Trends in International Logistics for 2023

In this article we will talk about trends in international logistics as a key point for foreign trade entrepreneurs, as we know that the challenges are great in the segment, especially in the face of economic crises or disastrous events that affect the entire productive and operational chain in the world.

Furthermore, it is important that importers and exporters are always aware of market trends, as well as technological innovations, so that they can take full advantage of all the benefits that these tools can provide in the daily lives of companies, as aspects that have already occurred in the past, which generate major impacts on international logistics, may eventually be repeated in the future.

For this reason, we will address the main items on the subject in this article, as well as show the essential trends for 2023, so that you are prepared to overcome the unforeseen events of international trade.

Continue reading to the end to find out more!

International Logistics: what is it and why is it important?

First, we will contextualize what international logistics is so that all levels of professionals are aligned in the reading.

Well, it refers to the administration of goods, services and import and export processes, connecting everyone involved in the foreign trade chain. In addition, international logistics management regulates the sale of products and services abroad, as well as other aspects related to risk management, cost control, supplier relations and much more.

However, for all these movements to take place, it is necessary to have support from both sides of the border between countries that wish to establish free trade, so that everything happens strategically, always seeking to optimize the flow of storage of items, until delivery to the final customer.

In view of this, international logistics is very important in foreign trade because it enables commercial operations between countries, with the intention of reducing errors and costs of processes in the flow of products, through the control of the movement of goods, also guaranteeing customer satisfaction in all stages of the purchase process.

Next, we will briefly talk about some factors that influence trends in international logistics.

Transformation in companies

In recent times, most foreign trade companies try to survive the various crises that occur in international logistics, making decisions out of necessity and within what was available. Thus, as the crises are resolved and the routine returns to a certain normality, it is essential that managers change their awareness, with more proactive attitudes, perceiving what works and what does not, in order to adapt in advance to the initiative of the best trends in the international logistics for your moment.

Digitization is key to proactivity

Faced with strong competition in the international market, greater customer expectations for products and services that meet their needs, efficiency in international logistics was driven by digital transformation, so as to increase the company’s visibility, with digitized processes and maintain competitiveness in the market. market in which they operate.

Team of qualified professionals

This has been a necessity for companies that intend to use international logistics trends, improving the way they work with their team, as the focus is on the set of skills to perform tasks in the sector that makes use of cutting-edge technologies. For this reason, profiles of professionals specializing in process automation are more sought after because they will be able to develop intelligent environments, which adds a differential to companies.

Focus on security

This issue is a growing concern in international logistics, to prevent attacks on data and confidential customer information. Therefore, it is necessary to assess the possible risks that the company may take in order to protect itself with due anticipation.

Attention to world events and climate change

Geopolitics has always impacted international logistics with so many challenging world events in countries’ politics, becoming an impediment to the good performance of the global supply chain. In addition, the climate issue is also important for foreign trade companies to be strategically prepared for the challenges caused by climate change.

6 main trends in 2023 for international logistics

Faced with the difficulties and challenges that supply chains are facing in recent times, the search for balance consists of understanding the scenario to visualize what may come ahead.

With this, import and export logistics are transformed, through trends with technology, digitalization and data analysis tools that help businessmen in greater global scalability, with concentrated delivery networks and better confidence in providing services to customers. .

Some of these trends in international logistics can be summarized as follows:

greater sustainability of the international supply chain;

more proactive and constantly growing companies;

digital transformation with technological solutions to improve processes;

trained and qualified professionals in technology;

improved security against attacks that threaten the global chain;

attention to the political and economic scenario in Brazil and the world.

How to act in the face of trends in international logistics?

It is essential for foreign trade companies to be able to understand international logistics trends to maintain success in 2023.

For this reason, it is also essential to understand some flaws that compromise operations and that need action, such as having an action plan for safety and risk management in the value chain, as well as having the help of specialists in international logistics, such as the Cheap2ship team that will assist in the best international logistics freight option, in all modes, using advanced technology, meeting important compliance standards for marketing abroad.

In short, prevention is better than cure, with reactive actions that will not take your company to a higher level, acting against the surprises that may occur in this volatility of international trade, so that you manage the import and export of products and services is left without knowing how to act promptly, in case an event comes to impact its business routine and also, cause surplus expenses and many other losses in its operational processes.